Where's The Beef??? The 1975 Federal Commission

The calls made by the Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association (SSGA) to investigate the pricing system for cattle and beef is nothing new.

One of the largest studies was a public inquiry that extensively looked at the sector from top to bottom and made recommendations. Recommendations aiming towards more efficiencies of scale in the cattle marketing, slaughter, processing and retail sales of beef in 1976.

Story Four In A Series

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Moose Jaw Male 27 Dead After Incident Involving Firearm

A 27 year old Moose Jaw man is dead following pointing a firearm in a police involved shooting.

The man was shot after the Moose Jaw Police Service responded to a man uttering threats at 1:10 am earlier this morning. The man fled the original scene and a police chase occurred east on the Trans-Canada Highway.

After attempts to negotiate over hours the man allegedly pointed a firearm and refused multiple commands to lower the weapon when he was shot. The 27 year old later died on the scene.

The RCMP and Moose Jaw Police Service have requested the legislated independent investigation and coroner’s office involvement into the fatality.

The incident has closed the Trans Canada Highway near Belle Plaine where the investigation continues.

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Alleged Recyclables Thief Tells Judge He Mixed Up The Schedule

An alleged recyclables thief mixed up his court appearance date with the date he was required to appear at the Moose Jaw Police Services station to be photographed and fingerprinted but the John Howard Society’s court worker called him and told him about his missing court.

Appearing late the accused’s excuse was accepted and he was accepted to Alternative Measures which if he completes the requirements the Court will dismiss the charges.

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