Alleged Recyclables Thief Tells Judge He Mixed Up The Schedule

A man who allegedly stole recyclables and deprived a Main Street North resident of the enjoyment of their garage escaped further charges thanks to the John Howard Society.

Donald Gauthier was scheduled to appear at 9:30 am on Monday morning on charges relate to the theft of recyclables (cans and bottles) but when his name was called by Judge Darryl Rayner the accused was not present in the court.

About an hour later - near the end of the docket - Gauthier appeared at which time Judge Rayner asked why he had not been in court earlier.

Gauthier explained that he had made a mistake in the dates and thought he was suppose to be at the police station for fingerprinting and photographing by the Moose Jaw Police Service.

He went on to further explain that he had received a phone call from the John Howard Society’s court worker informing him that he was suppose to be at court.

“There was mix-up and I thought I was suppose to be at the police station,” Gauthier explained to Judge Rayner.

“Is this a matter that could be dealt with by Alternative Measures?” the Judge asked and was told it was.

Alternative Measures For Adults is a program ran by the John Howard Society in Moose Jaw.

According to the John Howard Society’s webpage Alternative Measures is where the adult takes responsibility for their crime which is followed by a face to face meeting between the offender and the victim. A mediated discussion takes place in an attempt to prevent further criminal activity and repairing the harm the offender did to the victim.

Upon successfully completing Alternative Measures the charge is withdrawn by the Court resulting in no criminal conviction.

Victims in the process have no say what offenders are allowed to access Alternative Measures nor are they compelled to participate in the process if they do not wish to do so.

Before leaving the courtroom Gauthier signed the form provided by the John Howard Society court worker, thanked Judge Rayner and went on his way.

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