Alberta Driver Tells Court He Learnt A Hard Lesson

A man who just blew over the legal limit to be charged with impaired driving just wanted to face the music and head back home to Alberta in Moose Jaw Provincial Court Monday morning.

Appearing before Judge Darryl Rayner the accused Tyler Ramsey said he was prepared to plead guilty and face the music.

The Stoney Plain, Alberta resident was in Moose Jaw helping build a cooling tower out at Yara’s Belle Plaine plant.

Asked by Judge Rayner if he was aware of the effect pleading guilty to a charge of impaired driving would have on his life Ramsey said he was.

“I am sure it will it will effect a lot of things,” he said.

Asked further by the Judge about his employment Ramsey said he had informed his employer and it would have an effect on his employment but his employer was willing to help out.

“He is willing to help me with rides to work.”

Ramsey told Judge Rayner he had been drinking four hours prior to driving and thought he was OK to drive and not impaired when stopped by the Moose Jaw Police Service.

“You were not a lot over the legal limit,” Judge Rayner told Ramsey.

“I had to learn my lesson the hard way,” Ramsey replied.

Given this was Ramsey’s first offense for impaired driving Judge Rayner handed down a minimum fine and penalty to Ramsey.

Ramsey was given a $1,000 fine plus a $300 Victim’s Surcharge and an immediate one year Canada-wide driving prohibition.

Judge Rayner said he could only give Ramsey 30 days to pay the Victim’s Surcharge but could give longer to pay off the fine.

Ramsey requested no time to pay the monetary fine saying “I intend to pay off everything today.”

He additionally told the Court he had just finished work on the project he was working on here and was heading back to Alberta once the fine was paid and his paperwork processed.

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