SHA Says Vaccines Work - Expand Vaccine Clinic Availability

With the Omicron variant on the rise the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) has expanded the number of vaccine clinics to help people be vaccinated and get booster shots.

We run this release as a public service as many people are looking to be vaccinate ASAP - we did not write it we are just the messenger.

There are many different opinions on this issue all we ask please be kind if you chose to comment.

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moose jaw
Man Released To Six Month Conditional Sentence

A man who had a penchant to elude the police and endangering others in the process is now serving a six month conditional sentence in the community after getting six months credit for the four months he spent in remand waiting for the court’s decision for his thieving ways.

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Credit Card Caper Costs Crook 75 Day Sentence

A thief with a penchant to use other people’s credit cards without their permission to buy items at convenience stores and the occasional restaurant found out that crimes pay out in jail time.

But the time in remand and Christmas a few days away helped him get out with time served to be with his family.

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Mayor Says Budget Is All About Building A Better City

Despite the critics and the naysayers Mayor Clive Tolley said he is happy with the results of the 2022 Budget.

It is a budget he said designed to make Moose Jaw a better place and money is not just being spent to be spent but rather it is an investment in the future to draw people to the city.

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