Credit Card Caper Costs Crook 75 Day Sentence

There is nothing wrong in making various small purchases around town with a credit card the real problem is when the card is stolen and you do not have permission to use the card.

For Andrew Dean Taylor Sudiak he found out the hard way - twice within a year - using other people’s cards fraudulently is going to earn you time in jail.

Attending court by video link Sudiak found out he now has a 75 day sentence on his criminal record but because of spending 50 days in remand plus being granted 1.5 for every day remanded he is a free man in time for Christmas.

Earlier in March 2021 Sudiak had received a 30 day sentence for similar offences as well as 90 days for assault.

Legal Aid Defence counsel Suzanne Jeanson said being in remand - where Sudiak had spent time in isolation due to COVID - 19 - had taught her client a lesson. And he now wants to go on the straight and narrow.

“He recognizes in the very least he has caused stress to the complainants,” Jeanson said.

“He doesn’t want to live this way anymore…he is very happy to be at home with his family for Christmas,” she said.

Court heard how Sudiak had used or attempted to use other people’s credit cards at various businesses - one purchase was for $1.11 at a Tim Hortons - and how the Moose Jaw Police Service were able to identify him through security cameras.

Asked if he had anything to tell the court Sudiak indicated he did.

“I want to apologize to the people I wronged, I don’t want to do this anymore,” he said.

But it was not all easy for Sudiak at Moose Jaw Provincial Court this morning as Judge Darryl Rayner gave him one of the sternest lectures of the morning about what he will face if he does not go on the straight and narrow.

“I hope so,” Judge Rayner said adding over the last 18 months Sudiak had been on a path that if he were to continue will lead to escalating jail sentences.

“If you continue this behaviour your sentences are going to be longer and longer,” the Judge said, adding “I hope you reconsider your actions you have exhibited in the last year and a half.”

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