Man Released To Six Month Conditional Sentence

A crime spree riddled with both property and driving offences has earned a local man the distinct honour of not being allowed to occupy the driver’s seat of any vehicle for the next six months.

Myles Joseph Neill, 29, of Moose Jaw appeared by video link at Moose Jaw Provincial Court on Monday morning to face the music from charges dating back to 2019 and in various locations in the province.

Neill was charged with theft, break and enter, obstruction, mischief and driving while restricted.

Neill plead guilty to obstruction regarding an incident which occurred on La Ronge on July 3, 2020.

Court heard Neill was freaking out and punching people at a La Ronge road stop an a 911 call was responded to by the RCMP.

When the RCMP located Neill a foot chase commenced where he was arrested about a block away hiding under a parked car.

DNA was Neill's undoing in a break in into a garage on Chestnut Avenue.

Court heard how Neill had broken into a stranger's garage on July 14, 2021 and cut himself in the process. Blood was found and a sample sent away where DNA identified Neill as the thief.

For his efforts Neill was ordered to pay restitution of $1,900 to the owner.

Neill also plead guilty to stealing lighters valued at $75.97 from Unique Smoke Shop.

Friends had already paid restitution of $100 to the business.

On more than one occasion Neill operated a motor vehicle in a non-caring manner in attempts to evade the police.

On April 25, 2021 the MJPS gave pursuit to a vehicle the 29 year old Neill was driving after he failed to signal a turn.

Police located the vehicle with no driver and only a partially consumed bottle of Captain Morgan Spiced Rum left behind.

MJPS were able to track down Neill as the driver.

Neill's aversion to the police continued when the MJPS were in pursuit of what they believed to be a stolen vehicle on August 14, 2021.

The pursuit turned into Neill driving erratically in areas where there were numerous pedestrians out at 11:20 am. The pursuit continued with Neill knocking over four City of Moose Jaw garbage cans causing about $100 in damage.

He was eventually arrested after being cornered in a dead end in the northeast commercial district.

Neill also tried to steal vehicle batteries on another occasion but was unsuccessful.

Neill and a friend also broke into the Heartland Livestock Barn and stole clothing.

On September 30, 2021 Neill had been charged with dangerous driving for which he received a two year driving prohibition.

The Crown and Defense submitted a joint submission of six months incarceration for the property offences plus restitution of $1,900 to the victim.

Court heard Neill, who appeared by video link from remand at the Regina Correctional Centre, had already served 80 days in custody which when given an enhanced credit of 1.5 days for each day remanded would equal 120 days or six months.

When it came to the driving offences Neill received a conditional six month sentence to be served at his mother's home.

This will be the second conditional sentence the millennial will have served with the first conditional sentence deleted.

Not only is he prohibited from driving for two years he cannot even sit in the driver's seat of any vehicle for six months.

As part of the sentence he must abstain from alcohol and drugs unless prescribed by a physician, keep the peace and is under a strict 11 pm to 7 am curfew unless authorized otherwise by the Court.

Speaking on his client's behalf Estes Fonkalsrud said Neill was remorseful and was happy to be able to spend Christmas with his two year old daughter.

Fonkalsrud said “this Christmas is his Christmas” to have his daughter whom he has shared custody with the mother.

Neill at present has no income nor employment because Employment Insurance is not available to him as he was on remand and not available to go to work.

Fonkalsrud said Neill hoped to get a job with a home stuccoing firm in the Spring but will have no income to pay the victim's surcharge if Judge Darryl Rayner were to institute one.

In passing sentence Judge Rayner had some tough words for Neill.

“I hope this period of time will lead to you in changing your ways,” Judge Rayner said, adding “I hope sir this is the last time I see you here”

Judge Rayner was a little bit more charitable to Neill when it came to waiving the Victim's Surcharge.

“In waiving the Victim's Surcharge I want to see you focus getting back on your feet sir.”

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