A COVID - 19 outbreak has been declared at Sacred Heart School.
Read MoreThe Saskatchewan Health Authority has declared an outbreak at King George School amidst investigating multiple cases of COVID - 19 at the elementary school.
Read MoreA confirmed contagious case of COVID - 19 at Vanier Collegiate has some students self-isolating for two weeks (when not attending in-class instruction) when not in school, while others are not under a self-solation order. It all depends on the individual student’s vaccination status.
Read MoreOn Tuesday evening the Moose Jaw and District Chamber of Commerce held an all candidates forum where five of the six candidates showed up to give a short introduction and to answer questions from the Chamber and the on-line forum viewers.
To help voters make up their minds we are running the questions and the answers from the candidates to the questions put forward to them in that forum in no particular order.
The seventh and final question we feature is each Party’s policy on the Employment Insurance system and will their Party reform it to discourage repeated use and help ensure worker mobility.
Read MoreOn Tuesday evening the Moose Jaw and District Chamber of Commerce held an all candidates forum where five of the six candidates showed up to give a short introduction and to answer questions from the Chamber and the on-line forum viewers.
To help voters make up their minds we are running the questions and the answers from the candidates to the questions put forward to them in that forum in no particular order.
The sixth question we feature is a multi-part question that asks about what should be the federal government’s role in training workers to fill the skills needed by small and medium businesses in their operations.
Read MoreOn Tuesday evening the Moose Jaw and District Chamber of Commerce held an all candidates forum for all six candidates vying to be the next MP in the Moose Jaw - Lake Centre - Lanigan riding.
To help voters make up their minds we are running the questions and the answers from the candidates to the questions put forward to them in that forum in no particular order.
The fifth question we feature deals with if elected how would any of the candidates ensure the voice of Moose Jaw businesses was heard in Ottawa.
Read MoreOn Tuesday evening an all candidates forum was presented by the Moose Jaw and District Chamber of Commerce.
To better serve voters to make an informed decision on September 20th we are presenting stories on what each candidate said to the questions asked from the Chamber and the viewing audience.
The fourth question deals with what each Party would do to Help Small and Medium Sized Businesses?
Read MoreOn Tuesday evening an all candidates forum was presented by the Moose Jaw and District Chamber of Commerce.
To better serve voters to make an informed decision on September 20th we are presenting stories on what each candidate said to the questions asked from the Chamber and the viewing audience.
The third question deals with what each Party’s policies are on Gun Control.
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