COVID Case At Vanier Collegiate Has Unvaccinated Students Isolating When Not In Class

With the Saskatchewan government now taking steps to stop the spread of COVID - 19 a case has developed which has students in at least one class now in self isolation, but a letter dated from the Saskatchewan Health Authority has some parents wondering if the measures are appropriate or go far enough.

In the letter (posted below) the SHA states a student in one class was contagious and attended the class on September 9, 13, 14 and 15th and then goes on to state all students in Catholic Studies are considered close contacts and under certain conditions must self isolate.

vanier isolation sept 19.jpg

Students in Catholic Studies are allowed to attend in-person classes if not fully vaccinated but are not allowed to participate in extracurricular activities or go out into the community.

These students have been told to self monitor.

Students who have been fully vaccinated are allowed to attend classes, extra-curricular activities as well as go out into the community.

The order is in effect until 23:59 September 29th and additionally states the SHA - other than the letter - will not be making any additional contact with any student (or their parents).

Parents or others affected are advised to contact the 811 Healthline if any further information is needed.

The Saskatchewan government recently reintroduced a compulsory mask mandate in all public spaces due to the spread of COVID - 19 by the more virulent Delta variant. On Sunday the province set records on the number of new cases of COVID - 19.

At their presentation to Council one week ago local medical health officers stated that 85 percent plus of the province needed to be vaccinated because of the virulence of the Delta variant. The same medical health officers stated without reaching this vaccination level the Delta variant would infect and be a threat to those who were fully vaccinated.

At the present time there are five active outbreaks of COVID - 19 declared in Moose Jaw.

Additionally a general letter - to all parents with children attending Vanier Collegiate - was sent on out on Sunday (see letter below).

Vanier Collegiate General School Notification.Sept 19, 2021 (1)-1.jpg

UPDATE - an additional letter applied to a Math class at Vanier.

Math Foundations 30- Vanier Collegiate- Sept 19, 2021 (1)_page-0001.jpg

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