Chamber Forum - First Past The Post Electoral System Is It Good Or Bad?

On Tuesday evening an all candidates forum was presented by the Moose Jaw and District Chamber of Commerce.

To better serve voters to make an informed decision on September 20th we are presenting stories on what each candidate said to the questions asked from the Chamber and the viewing audience.

The first questions deals with Electoral Reform and how each Party would, if they saw it as a problem, rectify the problem to give better representation.

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Councillor Froese Officially Enters Race For Mayor

Running on her record with a platform designed to create jobs, stimulate the local economy, listen to residents and businesses, continue the record infrastructure renewal and fight petty crime in a collaborative manner Councillor Crystal Froese is now officially in the race to be Moose Jaw’s next mayor.

As usual MJ Independent asked questions.

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Elective Procedures Reduced To Re-Deploy Staff To COVID ICU Care

The growth of COVID -19 ICU patients because of the Delta variant has the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) delaying some elective and non-urgent surgical procedures to re-deploy staff elsewhere to expand surge capacity..

The SHA says the more transmissible Delta variant has resulted in increasing pressures on Saskatchewan hospitals at a much faster rate than previous COVID surges, drastically increasing ICU occupancy and hospitalizations due to COVID in the last month.

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