Police To Crackdown On Impaired Driving Over The Long Weekend

If you think driving impaired is a good idea think again especially this weekend as SGI through its monthly Traffic Safety Spotlight and the police will be holding a series of checkpoints searching for those who might be driving impaired.

Despite the inclement weather the spot checks are set to go - rain or shine throughout the Victoria Day Weekend.

Saskatchewan’s municipal police forces and RCMP have checkstops planned this upcoming long weekend throughout the province.

The checkstops provide a highly visual reminder to drivers of the importance of driving sober, and – when necessary – enable police to charge (or ticket?) people who make the bad decision to drive impaired by alcohol or drugs according to a news release from SGI.

“Nobody ever sets out to cause a collision or get charged with impaired driving, but it happens far too frequently in Saskatchewan,” Penny McCune, Chief Operating Officer of the Auto Fund said in a statement. “Don’t let it happen to you. Whatever your long weekend plans may involve, please make sure they include a sober designated driver.”  

 “Our Saskatchewan RCMP officers will be out patrolling our roads and highways and participating in checkstops all across the province this weekend,” said Superintendent Grant St. Germaine, Officer in Charge of Saskatchewan RCMP Traffic Services in the release. “We know people have heard this time and time again, but that’s simply because it’s the truth: following the rules of the road saves lives. So whatever you’re up to this weekend, make smart choices behind the wheel. We thank you in advance for your cooperation when encountering these checkstops. Let’s all work together and do our parts to help make Saskatchewan roads safer.” 

Vehicles will be pulled over at random in the check stops with drivers talking to officers who will make the determination if a driver may be impaired.

If the officer expects a driver is impaired they will administer tests to determine impairment and further action will be taken if the tests are positive.

Impaired driving causes more auto crash fatalities in Saskatchewan than any other factor. When drivers choose to drive impaired, they run the risk of killing or seriously injuring themselves or someone else.  They also risk serious consequences, including jail time, fines, licence suspensions, vehicle impoundments, mandatory driver education and Ignition Interlock requirements.   

For experienced drivers, consequences start at .04 blood alcohol concentration (BAC).  In Saskatchewan there is zero tolerance for alcohol for novice and learner drivers, and zero tolerance for drugs for ALL drivers.   

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