Spirits Overpower Toilers

Vanier Spirits 81 - peacock toilers 41

A rare Wednesday evening of high school senior girl’s basketball - rescheduled due to the so far one day teacher’s strike - saw the senior heavy powerhouse Vanier Spirits defeat the younger Peacock Toilers 81 - 41.

The game saw a majorly improved Toilers team attempt to keep pace and challenge the Spirits. Unfortunately for the Toilers they were unable to.

The Spirits ran a defensive game keeping the Toilers off balance forcing long shots and then battling for rebounds.

Despite the scoreboard showing a dominant game by the Spirits the team was off to a slow start in the first quarter due to a surging Toilers squad.

“When you play basketball you’re still getting into the games where you have to play all four quarters,” Vanier head coach Christa Lapointe said.

“We had a slower start but we had a stronger finish,” Lapointe said, adding “which is kind of the reverse we have done sometimes.”

Lapointe said the Toilers have vastly improved from their initial meeting.

“Kudos to Peacock. We saw them at the end of the year. They are a younger team and they definitely have improved. Their defence and offence has improved so it is nice to play them.”

“They’re just going to keep on getting better,” she said.

Lapointe said she wasn’t surprised by Peacock’s feistiness especially in the first quarter.

“No I wasn’t (surprised). I know the coaches and I know the players and he has a good committed group who like basketball. They’re young and they have good coaches who are committed to teaching them fundamentals so it’s just going to continue on further.”

Asked what the Spirits learnt or took away from the win she said it is about keeping your composure.

“When you play all games it doesn’t matter what the score is it is all about discipline and execution. Learning to do the little things right. It doesn’t matter whether it is tight games or it’s a two point game. It is about discipline and details.”

Asked if she was worried in terms of discipline as the Spirits in the third quarter had four fouls and were headed to foul problems Lapointe replied “yes.”

“You have to say yes. Fouls are part of the game and this is how teaching the girls to navigate that and how to correct and do different things on defence to control the situation,” she said.

“It is good for these ladies to play with two or three fouls or four because it’s going to be a reality,”

The Spirits season record is 4 - 1.

The Toilers season record is 2 - 3.

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