Cyclones Youth Nets First Victory

By Robert Thomas

It was a big night for junior girls/boys/junior varsity basketball as the Moose Jaw city league opened for another season.

In four venues across Moose Jaw the league tipped off another season.

At Central Collegiate the junior girls Central Cyclones team took on the visiting Assiniboia Rockets.

The Cyclones - who are largely made up of Grade Nine rookies - managed to defeat the Rockets 62 - 19 on a strong defensive game.

The First Quarter score was 16 - 4.

The Second Quarter score was 38 - 11.

The Third Quarter score was 46 - 17.

The Final Score was 62 - 19.

An assiniboia player is blocked out

Central Cyclones head coach Chris Temple said the biggest part of the team’s victory was its defensive game.

“It was a very good effort for today. It was a great defensive effort I believe that made the biggest difference tonight,” Temple said.

This year’s Cyclones junior girls team has an abundance of grade nines.

Central Cyclones Hailey N attempts to move against Assiniboia Rockets A Coghill

“We have a lot of young girls. So they’re new to the high school situation, but they have done really well in the past with elementary so I think they will transition really well.”

Temple said he was “not at all” read about a young team transitioning.

“They’re catching on really quick,” he said.

This year the Cyclones are an 11 team member squad with seven players new to the league - five played together at Sunningdale School.

Central Cyclones Hailey N heads down court against an Assiniboia Rocket’s defender

Despite being a new team with rookies Temple said the team is looking forward to being a league champion.

“We’re looking for everyone to stay healthy. Everyone to have a good year and obviously to win.”

Asked about the elusive city championship Temple said “ you’ve always got to have that goal, always.”

Central Cyclones Logan T passes the ball

Asked if he thought this was the year for the Cyclones he said “ anybody can do it. You have to set that goal and then go for it.”

Despite learning curve of having such a young and inexperienced team, he said “ they are catching on pretty quick, so I think it’ll be all right.”

Central Cyclones Tara W (left) breaks towards the basket

Central Cyclones Wardu (right) breaks in looking to pass to a teammate

Central Cyclones Leia D (right) looks over her shoulder while on defence

The score sheet

moose jaw