SSFA +55 Games a Success
Robert Thomas
"We are happy with the results," said a happy Doris Dunphy, co-chair of the SSFA 55+ Provincial Games 2018.
The games, which ran from July 10-12, saw 600 athletes compete at 18 venues in 15 events. There were 150 volunteers who made it all happen. The venues were both private and publicly owned.
"I have to thank all of the dedicated volunteers; without them this wouldn't have happened. This wouldn't have been a success," she said.
"We have done our best to do a good job," Dunphy stated.
Numerous attendees at the Thursday night banquet agreed with her assessment. The games were well organized and there was plenty to do when they weren't competing.
Baseball game wrapping up.
Photo: Stuart Anderson
The games may have been about competition but they also had a major social angle to them.
"Kim MacIntyre (a games participant) said it, it was coming to see all of these old friends again.
Quite a few people commented its why they were having such a great's wonderful to see that."
Dunphy spoke about the various regions coming together and the friendships formed.
"It's definitely an enthusiastic group," she said.
The entire games process began with the successful bid in September 2016. Then planning, meetings and organization.
Weather-wise, the Games was prepared for heat but cloud cover moderated the temperatures, with Dunphy calling it acceptable.
Lightning and rain, though, did have an effect, as it forced a temporary stoppage of play at Memorial Field with players heading to the dugouts. Players reported there had to have been a lightning strike nearby.
"We are very happy with the turnout with the slo-pitch."
Slo-pitch saw three area teams compete, Moose Jaw, Assiniboia and Caronport with Assiniboia facing Regina in the final.
The fastest growing sport in North America, pickleball, saw more than double the amount of participants from two years ago when the games were held in the Battlefords.
Photo: Stuart Anderson
Pickleball had 115 athletes at the Moose Jaw games while the Battlefords games had 45 athletes participating.
Bowling also drew a lot of interest.
"We are very happy with how things went and we are happy with the way we got to showcase Moose Jaw," Dunphy stated.