Once again it’s time for a very popular annual feature - SGI's Top Five Frauds Of The Year
Read MoreThe City of Moose Jaw has requested MJ Independent correct our recent story about alleged incidents involving a male taking photos of unrelated children at the Kinsmen Pool and Yara Centre
Read MoreFour Moose Jaw Warriors are suspended for the remainder of the season, the head coach and general manager are suspended for five games and the team has been fined $25,000.
It’s all in the wake of four players allegedly breaching curfew and shenanigans that allegedly took place in Edmonton.
Read MoreAlleged incidents involving a male taking pictures of girls he is not related to at the Kinsmen Pool and Yara Centre has been investigated by the Moose Jaw Police Service and the City and it was all a big misunderstanding.
Despite this the City is reviewing its cell phone/camera use policies in all recreation facilities.
Read MoreA guilty plea for sexual assault by a former department head at a non-City job has City employees asking questions about sexual harassment allegations they say were simply swept under the rug.
Read MoreThere will be an all candidates forum this Wednesday evening featuring the nine candidates vying for the position of school trustee for the Prairie South School Division in the March 9th by-election.
Read MoreWith only one Chapter in Moose Jaw SADD (Students Against Drinking and Driving) Saskatchewan will be using new funding from SGI to expand the number of schools involved with the organization.
Impaired driving is the number one cause of fatal accidents and the majority of impaired drivers are young adults between 19 - 24.
It’s a trend SGI and SADD Saskatchewan hope to reverse by reaching youth.
Read MoreMedia will be allowed to ask questions - restricted to the agenda - between the public and in-camera portions of the Moose Jaw Board of Police Commissioners meetings.
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