All Candidates Forum This Wednesday

The nine candidates vying for the position of school trustee for the Prairie South School Division in the March 9th by-election will be part of an all candidates’ forum on Wednesday Februray 15th.

Sponsored by the Moose Jaw and District Chamber of Commerce the forum will be held at the Peacock Collegiate Auditorium from 6 pm - 7:30 pm..

The byelection was called as a result of the resignation of Trustee Todd Johnson to seek employment within the Division.

The nine candidates in the by-election race are Patrick Boyle, Brian Martynook, Shelley Jones, Tony Dreger, Zachariah Bachmann, Karli Amundrud, Sommer Amare, Sandra Kitts and Bruce Fritzler

Questions are NOT ALLOWED at the forum but may be pre-submitted to by noon this Tuesday February 14th.

For those of you who cannot make it to the event it will also be live streamed through the Division's website .

Editor's Note - Due to other commitments MJ Independent will NOT BE ATTENDING this forum.

We encourage you to watch it on-line or better yet attend to see where each of the nine candidates stand on the issues.

moose jaw