Alleged Pool And Track Perv All A Misunderstanding - City Reviewing Policies In Response

By Robert Thomas

It was all a big misunderstanding and no harm was done is the response the City has for two related incidents where a man was taking pictures of underage children with his cellphone in the pool area of the Kinsmen SportsPlex and on the Yara Centre's track.

According to sources - who contacted MJ Independent after they failed to get what they saw as satisfactory responses from the City or the Moose Jaw Police Service (MJPS) - the incidents were alarming and should have lead to criminal charges.

Allegedly a male was taking pictures of unrelated six year old girls at the Kinsmen Pool with his cellphone which raised parental concerns.

Later it was alleged the same male was in the women's change room area.

Witnesses who contacted MJ Independent said the male - who MJ Independent has identified and will not be publishing his name as he has not been criminally charged - had cultural and language difficulties.

Despite this witnesses claim the male was allegedly able to tell the MJPS he was in search of his wallet that was stolen.

In the Yara Centre incident witnesses claim the same male was taking pictures of teen and pre-teens from behind without their knowledge.

The surreptitious photography had parents complaining at the Yara Centre's front desk to call the MJPS on the man.

According to witnesses staff at the Yara Centre had asked to allow them, and not the MJPS, handle the incident.

Allegedly an unknown male, who had been working out at the Yara Centre, was walking by and said if Parks and Rec staff were unable to resolve the issue he would.

The resulting lobby area commotion caused Yara Centre staff to call the MJPS.

In a written statement the City said they are aware of the incidents and the allegations.

The Kinsmen Pool - photo courtesy City of Moose Jaw

“Customer safety is paramount and the Moose Jaw Police Service assisted with investigating these concerns. Through the course of their investigation, it was determined to be a misunderstanding of the individual’s actions, and the safety and privacy of our customers was not compromised,” the statement about the incidents read.

The City said it was looking at reviewing the use of phones and cameras in all recreation facilities

“We will continue to monitor the situation and will be reviewing policies related to the use of cell phones/cameras in our public recreation facilities,” the City's statement read.

Despite the claims by the City the situation is only being monitored steps have already been taken to ban the use of cell phones in change rooms at the Kinsmen Pool.

Sign in form to register to use the pool on-line now includes a ban on cell phone and recording device use in change rooms at the Kinsmen Pool

The City has now banned cellphone and recording device use in the change rooms at the Kinsmen Pool.

Banning cellphone use from change room areas is a policy adopted by other communities and institutions in the province.

MJ Independent was unable to confirm if the male phone photographer who was the center of the alleged incidents has been banned from the Kinsmen Sportsplex and Yara Centre due to the allegations.

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