What Is The Best Budget Balance For Core Infrastructure Vs Recreation - We Ask The New Mayor

With the 2022 Budget deliberations set to get underway today MJ Independent asked new Mayor Clive Tolley if in his opinion the City was moving too far away from fixing core infrastructure (roads, water and sewer mains, sidewalks and storm sewers) and favouring recreation expenditures too much?

And yes this may have been former Councillor Brian Swanson’s gig but as media - no matter what you personally think - you have to always do your best to prevent all sides of the equation.

The Mayor’s responses, with a little bit of help from city manager Jim Puffalt, may help enlighten our readers about where the City is headed in the upcoming budget deliberations.

As we always say it is your money and up to you to speak your mind (respectfully as possible) about how your elected officials should spend it and also ask why they made a certain budget decision.

Hopefully this gives our readership a better understanding as to what is happening in the 2022 Budget deliberations and no matter where you stand on spending priorities to let your voice be heard by the seven people making the final decisions.

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Budget Deliberations Kick Off Today With Third Party Funding Requests

The annual budget deliberations for the City of Moose Jaw kick off today at 4 pm.

The deliberations are open to the public but masks must be worn and all spectators must have proof of vaccination or a recent negative COVID - 19 test.

You can also catch all of the action on SHAW.

Tonight is the third party presentations where at arms length groups operating City owned facilities or community groups tell Council what they do for the community as a whole and ask for annual or specialized funding from the City.

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Chamber Asks For Nominations For New Awards

The COVID - 19 pandemic may not be over but the Moose Jaw and District Chamber of Commerce has launched a new set of awards to honour those local businesses which have gone above and beyond the call of duty during the COVID - 19 pandemic.

The Chamber would like residents, visitors and businesses alike to nominate local businesses who have excelled and gone above and beyond having a positive impact during what have been tough times for businesses and residents alike.

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Former Officer Claims Murder File Shredded By Then Chief Of Police

It has been just over 45 years after Dr Eliszaveta “Beth” Joven was brutally murdered in a case that shook the community.

Now a former Moose Jaw Police member has confirmed the files for the case were shredded by a former Chief Police. The case remains open but the evidence has in fact disappeared allegedly over 30 years ago.

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Police Seek Budget Increase To Hire More Cops

Despite decreasing crime rates, fewer calls to service and likewise decreasing crime indexes the Moose Jaw Police Service is requesting a 4.67 percent operating budget increase in order to better staff four critical areas. The budget increase will allow the hiring of three new officers

The Moose Jaw Police Services are requesting the three additional officers in a backdrop of many home owners and business owners facing tough economic times due to the COVID - 19 pandemic.

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