Small Peaceful Protest Greets PPC Leader Maxime Bernier

A political rally featuring People’s Party of Canada (PPC) leader Maxime Bernier drew about 200 enthusiastic supporters as well as just over a dozen peaceful protestors who labelled his and the PPC’s policies as homophobic, transphobic, Islamaphobic and xenophobic.

Allegations Bernier denied saying that although he was being insulted by the protestors he supported their right to express their views of him and the PPC because Canada is a free country.

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Loud And Enthusiastic Crowd Attends PPC Open House

Just under 50 people attended the ribbon cutting for the campaign headquarters of Chey Craik candidate for the People’s Party of Canada (PPC) in Moose Jaw on Monday afternoon.

The atmosphere could best be described as enthusiastic, confident and definitely loud as the excited gathering heard not only about the Party’s chances locally but that the PPC party leader Maxime Bernier will be in Moose Jaw on Thursday from noon - 2 pm at the Moose Jaw Cultural Centre.

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