Road Work In Front Of School Not To Be Completed By School Start
If you were hoping the work on the cast iron watermain replacement program in front of William Grayson School will be completed by the start of the school year on September 1st you are going to be disappointed.
In an update from City of Moose Jaw communications director Craig Hemmingway the work has been delayed by four days due to the recent rains.
Paving of Caribou Street West from 6th Avenue NW to Monk Avenue NW will be paved by the end of this week or early next week depending on the weather.
The section of Caribou Street West from Monk Avenue NW to the 9th Avenue NW is expected to be paved the week of September 13th.
Work on the cast iron water main replacement program in front of William Grayson School on Caribou Street West late Wednesday afternoon - MJ Independent photo
The work will jump over the intersection of 9th Avenue NW and Caribou Street West and the 900 block of Caribou Street West completed.
Following that the intersection of Caribou Street West and 9th Avenue NW will be completed including the installation of the new traffic light control coils which are designed to automatically activate the traffic lights and provide better traffic flow.
The final stretch of paving is expected to be completed by the end of September or in early October - weather dependent.