Central Moving To On-Line Learning

With one class in isolation and three confirmed cases of COVID - 19 in the two days from outside the school the decision as been made to move all Central Collegiate students to an on-line format for the next week.

In an email sent to parents just prior to lunch on Friday the school’s principal Stephane Gauvin made the announcement.

In the email Gauvin said the school would be monitoring the situation and during the one week of on-line learning it was compulsory for students to participate in the on-line classes.

The expected date of return to in person learning is following the Victoria Day long weekend on May 25th.

At the present time the school still has a declared outbreak on May 2nd.

The email is shown below.

central collegiate going on-line.jpg

Additionally the Prairie South School Division sent out a letter to parents.

The letter states the move to on-line learning after consultation with public health officials. If it is necessary to extend the school’s on-line learning or return to in-class learning parents are advised they will be notified on May 21st dependent on the information available at that time.

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