Parent Urges School Division To Take Leading Role In COVID - 10 Measures Debate
A parent gave the Prairie South School Division (PSSD) a lofty goal.
A goal that if they were to take on the challenge would have the school division taking on not only the prevailing medical thought on COVID - 19 but serving as a catalyst to start the debate between the prevailing medical thought and those who are enlightened to the other side of the issue.
“I am mad. I am completely pissed,” parent Tannis Brideau told the Prairie South board as she wrapped up her often winding lengthy presentation into what she perceived as the major problems and real reasons behind the COVID - 19 pandemic.
Brideau’s presentation dealt with many of the accusations made by those who see the COVID - 19 pandemic as fake and actually a front for things other than a worldwide medical emergency.
In her May 4th presentation she referred to the virus which causes COVID - 19 as no worse than a flu and the PCR test used to determine if a person tests positive for contracting the virus as worthless.
“If the mainstream media repeatedly pounded things into your head day in and day out for 14 months whether it be for puppy dogs, flowers or….it is a fear so intense where if there was just one molecule is what it would take to ” she told the board.
Brideau took issue with the vaccines now available for COVID - 19 because they had been rushed into distribution, not after proper testing and regulations, but by special orders.
“You and I will be the human lab rats and guinea pigs. They (COVID - 19 vaccines) are not yet proven safe and effective. And they are the new gene therapy that has never been used on humans called MRNA technology and the big pharma are not liable for injury or death on these experimental vaccines,” she claimed.
Brideau claimed the vaccines have caused “thousands of deaths and tens of thousands of serious (adverse) reactions” while laying out a lengthy list of problematic reactions she said were tied to COVID - 19 vaccines.
The entire governmental response to COVID - 19 was wrong she said attributing the public health measures responsible for “increase in deaths by suicide, teenage mental health crisis, loss of jobs, all children’s recreation activities and abusive forced removal of learning by facial expression,” she said.
She went on to claim that COVID - 19 measures which saw the closure of churches as a major blow to “all levels of health” and a “fear of going to the hospital for serious injuries due to the COVID scare.”
Brideau claimed throughout her presentation that citizens were losing their rights because of the COVID - 19 measures. Measures which breached the Nuremburg Code. Something she further claimed thousands of lawyers world-wide were fighting against due to the loss of human rights public health measures were removing from individuals.
“We are losing all of the rights and freedoms that thousands of lives were lost for in previous wars,” she said.
“The enlightened people of this world know there is no pandemic.”
“We are in a new war. A psychological genocide and anyone wearing muzzles are gauged to keep their mouth shut. The end result is a vaccine passport to prove you are under their control.”
She saw the entire measures as a plot to change the basic underpinnings of society taking aim at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for mentions made about instituting Universal Basic Income.
“Under this plan for totalitarian dictatorship we will own nothing and told to be happy,” she said going on to question how society could allow tyrants to take control of democracy by using fear surrounding a virus with a high survivability to do so.
“It’s a cruel sick world if we allow this to go on,” Brideau said.
“The facts do not support what the government is stating therefore we have the right to question. But according to mainstream propaganda anyone who challenges the narrative is a lunatic and putting everyone at risk.”
Brideau, who was at times emotional in her rambling and emotional presentation, said “What the hell” when it came to her describing what her five hours of on-line research had allowed her to discover about the psychological and physical effects public health measures had on children.
“I cannot confirm this but children do not spread the virus.”
To help stop the spread of what she saw as a deteriorating society already involved in multiple incidents of widespread cruelty she asked the Prairie South board to take action by not only removing masks and rolling back public health measures but be more proactive and help facilitate an open debate between both sides.
‘I am holding you responsible to have a division wide discussion with all teachers, principals and supervisor to discuss the harm being done and open the debate to opposing views from doctors and nurses,” she said.
“Also you must encourage Scott Moe, our Premier to an open televised debate to hear from the other side.”
Brideau termed the COVID - 19 pandemic as nothing more than a flu and not a major threat.
After allowing the presentation to far exceed the ten minute time allotment the board finally cut off the presentation due to its length.
Board chair Robert Bachmann had, prior to her presentation, said the division would not discuss the issue at the meeting but if Brideau asked questions they would get back to her later by a letter to answer any questions she posed.
Prairie South’s ten member board asked no questions or commented on the content of the presentation.
Prairie South agreed to look over the links and information she had provided in formulating their response.
The board gave no timeline when they would complete the review and formally respond through a letter.