Walk - In Vaccine Clinic Opens

The walk-in COVID - 19 vaccine clinic opened today and Moose Javians are lining up - reader submitted photo

The walk-in COVID - 19 vaccine clinic opened today and Moose Javians are lining up - reader submitted photo

Although there are about 200 people already out there standing in line there is still the opportunity to have your COVID - 19 vaccination today as the walk-in clinic is open up at the Exhibition Grounds - Convention Centre for those 55+.

The walk-in clinic will be using AstraZeneca vaccine.

The appointment vaccine clinic is open if you have an appointment. Presently the appointments are only open to those 58+ in years.

The walk-in clinic will be joined by a drive-thru clinic opening Friday located at the South Hill Fire Hall.

Full details are below.


And success in less than an hour.

vaccination success.jpg

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