MP Answers Ten Questions About The Federal Budget

With the Federal Budget being introduced we asked local MP Tom Lukiwski ten questions about his views on the budget and how it affects you as residents of Moose Jaw - Lanigan - Lake Centre.

Our questions were about the good and bad of the budget as our local MP sees it as well as some of the initiatives important to the region as a whole. The questions below are from MJ Independent with the responses from MP Tom Lukiwski (TL) - we appreciate his responses.

1. What are your impressions of the federal budget?

TL - The federal budget was a major let-down. There was no coherent plan for rebuilding the economy, which is what working Canadians desperately need. Instead, we got massive debt that our grandchildren will be paying for. This reckless spending was focused on Liberal ideology, not by the priorities of Canadians. It was also full of pre-election spending aimed at bribing the voters.

2. What is the most negative thing in the budget for residents of Moose Jaw - Lake Centre -Lanigan? 

TL - The most negative thing for residents of Moose Jaw - Lake Centre -Lanigan, as for all Canadians, is debt. By boosting the debt to over $1.5 trillion, Justin Trudeau will be plunging every man, woman and child in debt by nearly $40,000. That's money that will be paid in higher taxes and reduced services down the road. Chrystia Freeland and Justin Trudeau are like a pair of teenagers who don't understand that, when you run up your credit card, you are eventually going to have to pay for it.

3. What is the most positive thing do you see in the federal budget?

TL - While it’s too little too late, I was glad to see this budget invest some money in vaccine production. Financial investments in Canada would have been far more effective than the botched deal with CanSino Biologics.

4. Do you see any potential of this budget as being a pre-election budget and targeting projects and funding to swing seats or Liberal friendly ridings?

TL - This is definitely a pre-election budget. There are numerous programs that sprinkle around money to many special interests. Much of the budget is focused on "green economy" spending that appeals to voters in Eastern Canada and urban ridings. There is relatively little in the budget that benefits rural, agricultural or Western resource issues.

5. There seems to be a lot of spending since the pandemic was declared do you think the funds have been spent wisely? Can you explain why?

TL -  I think the Auditor General of Canada put it best when she observed that the government approach pandemic spending was haphazard, without a plan and without measures to ensure the dollars were getting results. By example, in April of 2020, the British government put it's priority on building vaccine factories. Trudeau's priority that same month was to give money to the WE Charity to develop a youth employment/volunteer program similar to the existing Canada Summer Jobs program already in place.

6. If you could make the budget what would you do or recommend to help people through the pandemic?

TL - This is not the time to create new social programs. What we need is a budget that focuses on the needs of small-and-medium businesses to rebuild. That assistance should focus on saving the businesses we have rather than "boutique" spending on businesses that fit the Liberals' ideological preferences.

7. Locally a good portion of the riding is in a drought situation is there anything in the budget to help out local cattle farmers with such things as forage and clean water for their livestock?

TL - While the budget includes the launch of a new Canada Water Agency, there are too few details at this time. If conditions worsen, ad hoc programs for assistance are typically initiated at the municipal level and taken to the province where requests are then made to the federal government for cost sharing.  Producers can be assured I will be lobbying on their behalf should the need arise. 

8. What do you think of the debt the budget is racking up? Do you think the spending is necessary or could it have been better targeted to be more efficient and get to the people and industries who need the help the most?

TL - We all recognize that more spending was needed to get through the pandemic. Governments across the globe did just that. But as usual Justin Trudeau wasted money on  vanity programs, such as the billion dollars for the WE Charity or his program to send postage paid postcards to everyone to help people keep in touch. That money could have and should have been spent saving jobs, acquiring vaccines and rebuilding the economy. The further debt caused by Chrystia Freeland's budget is excessive and unfocused, and will be a burden on Canadians for generations.

9. What are your opinions on the day care money announced?

TL - This is the ninth time the Liberals have promised a national daycare program. It’s a cynical vote-grab that, like the other eight times, may never be implemented. In any case, at a time when we are drowning in debt, this is not the time for a new social program. 

10. Do you have anything else to add?

TL - Justin Trudeau failed at preserving the economy during the pandemic. He let Canadians down at timely acquisition of PPE and, more importantly, acquiring vaccines.  He is now  imposing unsustainable debt on taxpayers. Canadians must not let a few pre-election spending goodies distract them from the ways this government has failed our country through the pandemic.

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