Letter Says Latest Assessment Re-Opening Schools Is Fine

If you were concerned about the schools re-opening in Moose Jaw today because of the COVID - 19 pandemic and the rise of Variants Of Concern (VOC) within the community the school divisions have released a joint letter updating parents.

In the joint letter, signed by Tony Baldwin director of education for the Prairie South School Division and Sean Chase director of education for the Holy Trinity Catholic School Division, have stated they have met with local public health officials on Sunday and it is safe to return to school.

The directors said they met with the public health officials and the “most current risk assessment for the Moose Jaw community” was it was safe to restart face-to-face learning effective today.

The letter re-affirms that the safety of students and staff is the top priority with both divisions.

Public health officials asked the school divisions to pass on the message that the main concern was in the community where community transmission was beyond the control of the schools. That it is important for people to continue to be vigilant in the community and at home as it was key to stopping the transmission of the virus which causes COV ID - 19.

The advice public health officials would like to relate to the school community is in the text of the full letter pictured below.

schools are safe letter.jpg

Schools in both school divisions were closed to in-person learning since March 29th until after the East Break on April 12th due to the rise of VOC cases in the community.

VOCs are mutated versions of the original coronavirus that causes COVID - 19. They are more transmissible and virulent than the original virus. Both viruses remain in the community. Over time all viruses mutate to allow them to better reproduce in their host.

A letter last Thursday from an expert in immunization from the College of Medicine from the University of Saskatchewan raised major concerns regarding re-opening the schools. Prior to the letter being published Baldwin declined comment or to respond with a rebuttal letter at that time.

The issue came up during Question Period last Friday in the Saskatchewan Legislature.

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