Nearly 1,000 Motorists Province-wide Ticketed For Intersection Fails in January

Rolling stops (failure to come to a complete stop when required at an intersection) are one of the most common driving infractions in Moose Jaw and during January they, along with all other intersection infractions, were part of SGI’s Traffic Safety Spotlight.

Traffic Safety Spotlight is a monthly focus or crackdown by police on a defined area of motoring. The Spotlights are funded in part through SGI.

Province-wide police issued a total of 992 tickets related to intersections in January. Here’s how that number breaks down:

  • 446 drivers disobeyed stop signs

  • 165 drivers failed to stop at a red light

  • 125 drivers made U-turns at intersections controlled by traffic lights (that’s a no)

  • 256 drivers received tickets for various other intersection violations under The Traffic Safety Act

According to the Saskatchewan Driver’s Handook a stop sign means complete and not a partial or “rolling” stop.

“The stop sign, a red octagon with white lettering, means come to a full stop and be sure the way is clear before proceeding,” the Handbook reads.

For more intersection tips check out these videos on merging, four-way stops, uncontrolled intersections, and roundabouts.

moose jaw