Chamber Launches Program To Help Local People Have Hearty Restaurant Meals

A new initiative by the Moose Jaw and District Chamber of Commerce has been described as a “win, win, win” for the community.

Called The Big Give the Chamber along with others has started a project known as The Big Give.

Running through March The Big Give will see the Chamber along with local restaurants and the Moose Jaw and District Food Bank as well as Hunger In Moose Jaw team up to provide good and hearty restaurant meals to those who need it.

“So far we have nine restaurants on board and we are looking for more,” says Rob Clark the Chamber’s CEO. Clark said he had heard about the program being run by a Chamber in another community and knew it would be a great fit for Moose Jaw.

Under the program residents, businesses and community groups are encouraged to contribute money to help those who are going through hard times. The funds will then be used to purchase hearty meals from local restaurants with who receives the meals through the Food Bank and Hunger in Moose Jaw.

Clark said the idea goes well beyond contributing to help feed people because it also stimulates the local economy.

“If we give the money to the Food Bank it get spent at the grocery store, this way we help the local economy and people get a hearty meal,” he said.

“It is what I call a win, win, win program,” he said, adding “this is something we should be doing as it is community involvement, gives back to the local restaurants and provides a good meal to people who need the help.”

Clark said the program has a goal of $20,000, which if achieved, would provide 2,000 meals to local residents based upon $10 per meal.

“This is putting people to work,” he said.

Asked about the restaurant industry Clark said it had been hit hard by the COVID - 19 pandemic but many restaurants had survived because of the loyalty of local people who have ordered take-out and delivery throughout the pandemic restrictions which just recently passed their one year anniversary.

“Our local community is supporting them big time…people are supporting locally any type of retail which is awesome to see and hopefully it continues after the pandemic,” Clark said, adding though that by supporting this initiative it not only adds a needed boost to the hospitality industry that has taken a major hit from the pandemic but shows there is more community support for them.

Statistics Canada says people in lower paying jobs such as hospitality and tourism have been hit hard because of the COVID - 19 pandemic and Moose Jaw is not immune from the nationwide impact.

Locally there has been an increased demand at the Food Bank and Hunger in Moose Jaw due to the pandemic. The program is designed to help out the most vulnerable in the city.

Clark said that the pandemic has had varying effects for workers in Moose Jaw with “some faring really well while others not so well.” The program is an opportunity to provide some of these working people impacted by the pandemic to have the opportunity for a good healthy restaurant meal.

Although The Big Give will also stimulate the local economy Clark said the main emphasis is on helping others.

“To help out the community we find it rewarding. This last year has been a marathon to try to help local businesses and others but we find it a rewarding marathon. This is designed as a win, win, win for the community,” he said.

“Not everybody kept their jobs and were laid off, some had bigger families and not everybody was able to survive at the same level…this gives them some help.”

“There is an obvious need in the City right at the moment for this. We need to help those who need help…I am pretty excited by the simple fact we are able to do this,” he said, adding as an example families of five who need support could have all have a nutritional meal when they most need it.

The program is donation based and the Chamber is asking those who can help out to please do so to help their neighbours.

For every $100 donated to the initiative that means 10 meals for people in Moose Jaw.

The logistics portion of allocating the meals will be handled by who Clark describes as the “local experts” in feeding people - Hunger in Moose Jaw and the Moose Jaw and District Food Bank.

Although there are only nine restaurants so far signed up to provide meals Clark said he is still in the process of lining up more local restaurants to participate. From all monies collected he said they will do their best to ensure each restaurant gets as close as possible equal share of business.

A Facebook page about the project is at present being set up to help publicize The Big Win.

Anyone who wants to donate or learn more about the initiative you are asked to give the Chamber a call at 306-692-6414.

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