Four Facing Fines Following Freedom Rally While Organizer Remains Defiant On Social Media
A Saturday afternoon Freedom Rally put on by the group Forum For Canadian Sovereignty (FFCS) has led to four individuals being charged for allegedly violating the Public Health Order to help stop the spread of COVID - 19.
Under the present order outdoor gatherings are limited to ten people for short periods. Those who gather are suppose to physical distance during such meetings. As a result of the rally failing to allegedly abide by the order the Moose Jaw Police Service (MJPS) issued the charges.
The group was in Moose Jaw largely calling for open and public transparent debate and the the respect of rights under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
During his speech FFCS board member Mark Friesen told the approximately 100 supporters who had gathered from across the province the MJPS had agreed not to lay any charges as a result of the rally. Friesen would joke that the demonstrators were allowed to meet in pods of ten in order not to be charged.
Although the rally was suppose to be about an assortment of issues the FFCS claims are not being addressed properly in proper debate and a transparent manner much of the rally was about the present provincial State of Emergency which includes the compulsory wearing of masks when indoors in public and private facilities open to the public.
Rally organizer Mark Friesen remained defiant on Twitter - source Twitter
Despite four individuals being assessed $11,200 in fines by the MJPS a main organizer of the event remains defiant.
The MJPS has not revealed who was charged as a result of the rally but Friesen indicated on his Twitter account he was one of the four who are charged.
The MJPS also did not indicate how much each of the individuals were fined but in other fines they have assessed under the Public Health Order have been $2,800 per violation. Dividing four into the cumulative $11,200 in fines assessed equals $2,800.
No details if a court date would be required and when are not publicly available at this time.
Despite being assessed a $2,800 for his alleged involvement in breaching the Public Health Order Friesen remained defiant on his Twitter feed. Likening the MJPS to the now defunct East German secret police the Stasi.
The Stasi were known for not only enforcing the Communist authoritarian agenda in East Germany by often brutal means but at the same time maintained secret files on the actions of hundreds of thousands East German citizens.