Minor Change And Upgrade To Westmount Route
Despite recent moves to cut service Moose Jaw Transit has instituted a couple of changes on its Westmount route which includes a minor change in the route as well a couple of new bus stops.
Partial map of Westmount route showing new stops - SOURCE City of Moose Jaw
Starting Monday January 18th the Westmount bus will now travel west on Coteau St. past 16th Avenue SW, turn south and make a stop on Arlington Avenue (near the south intersection of Belmont Crescent).
The bus will then turn east onto Wellington Drive.
The bus will now make a stop on Wellington (near the 16th Avenue SW intersection) before connecting with 16th Avenue SW and continuing the route.
Wellington Drive and 16th Avenue SW stop - MJ Independent photo
Arlington Avenue stop near Belmont Crescent - MJ Independent photo