Motion Asks For Review Of Media Spending

First it came as a question into how much and where the City had been spending their advertising dollars with media outlets and once the answer was given there is now a motion to review where the money is going.

At this past Monday evening’s meeting Councillor Dawn Luhning rose to give notice she would be introducing a motion to: City Council review any advertising policies in our bylaws with local and surrounding media outlets.

Councillor Luhning had previously requested Administration prepare a report into what the City spends on local media and at the time the enquiry was answered there was no response from the Councillor at Council.

Although there was no official reason given for the review it needs to be noted over the past couple of years City Hall has been in what is described as a “war with the media.” The “war” has gone so far that during the last Council’s tenure internal emails had at least one Council member writing that they do not give a “rat’s ass” what one of the media outlets felt about Council’s actions.

EDITOR’S NOTE - MJ Independent has no stake in City media spending as we do not solicit advertisements or funding from them. But as a full disclaimer we have received funding in the past from foreign based agri-food businesses for work we contributed to their in-house publications.

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