Province Unveils New Solid Waste Strategy

It is an issue whch has been in the local news lately - the reduction or diversion of solid waste from the landfill - and now the Province has unveiled its new strategy to deal with the issue.

On a per capita basis Saskatchewan produces the second highest amount of solid waste at 842 kilograms per person annually. It is equivalent to approximately 60 bags of garbage per person on an annual basis.

As part of their commitment the Province is striving to reduce solid waste headed to the landfill by 30 percent by 2030 and 50 percent by 2040 based on 2014 baseline levels.

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Although the strategy released does not have any concrete means to reach the objectives it has six broad goals to reach the targetted reduction:

The six goals are to:

  1. Enhance education, awareness and technical understanding of waste management best practices and the risks of improper practices across Saskatchewan;

  2. Encourage regional collaboration to enhance the cost effectiveness of waste management infrastructure;

  3. Foster innovative and sustainable solutions to manage waste;

  4. Demonstrate government leadership in waste management;

  5. Provide a modern, efficient and effective regulatory system for waste disposal and management; and

  6. Enhance waste diversion across Saskatchewan.

To meet the targets the release states there needs to be a better education strategy and response from the public. The key message that needs to be conveyed is that the “Landfill Should Be The Last Resort.”

In this area the City of Moose Jaw has made efforts to have residents make better use of their home recycling bins as it will save money. It also needs to be noted the effort does not apply to commercial businesses who are on a voluntary system of whether or not to recycle items in Moose Jaw.

Of note in the strategy is the reduction of approved public landfills in the province from 500 in 2015 to 186 in 2019 as the regulatory costs to run landfills has exceeded the capabilities of many municipalities to do so and a regional landfill approach has been adopted.

The release stated the regional landfill model which is developing offers the opportunity to better manage solid waste in the province.

Examples given of waste entering the landfill system which could easily be diverted and are environmentally harmful in a landfill environment is compostable organic materials. The organic materials emit methane a Green House Gas.

The strategy supports the goals of the new Saskatchewan Growth Plan, which envisions 1.4 million people living in the province by 2030, and 100,000 more people working. A strong and growing economy translates into a need for greater and more efficient services, and a better quality of life for Saskatchewan residents the release stated.

Here are some ways you can easily Reduce Your Waste.

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