Free Yard Waste Dumping At The Landfill This Weekend
For many people out there this weekend is Mother’s Day but it is also Yard Waste Weekend out at the Moose Jaw Landfill.
During normal business hours - May 11 and May 12 - the landfill will accept the following for free from residents - leaves, grass clippings and tree branches no bigger than one inch in diameter. The weekend replaces the traditional two weeks traditional Spring cleanup where all residential waste hauled in a half ton truck could be dropped off for free. The reason for the change in policy is to conserve space at the landfill.
SEE RELATED - Spring Cleanup Landfill Policy Changes
As part of the changes single axle trailers hauling residential organic waste - leaves, grass clippings and branches one inch in diameter or less - will not have to pay the tipping fee.
When you enter the landfill residents hauling yard waste are to head across the scale where they will be directed to the free yard waste dumoing area. Extra staff will be on hand to help direct people to the appropriate area as well as inspect the load.
The scale at the landfill - MJ Independent file photo
Those not hauling the requisite materials will be directed elsewhere and if it is a half ton load it will cost a resident $10 for a half ton load or if it is a trailer by weight. The landfill operates on a cash only basis and those hauling out other items should ensure they have cash to pay the fees.
SEE RELATED - Reason For Cash Only
The landfill will still be accepting commercial and other waste on the weekend but it will not be free to dump but the regular rate schedule will apply.
The City would like to remind people hauling out to the landfill loads must be tarped under the bylaw and those with untarped loads could face a fine.
The change in poicy has been controversial to some with many local people stating they are expecting an upswing in illegal dumping as a result of the changes to the free dump policy.