SGI Issues Winter Driving Tips To Stay Safe

With the snow overnight it is inevitable Winter may be here to stay.

Even if Winter and the white stuff do go away by the end if the week - it will only be temporary - so to help drivers to adapt SGI sent out the following tips and reminders on how to stay safe and out of the bodyshop or worse.

Submitted by SGI

The main cause of collisions in winter months is failing to adjust to the changing conditions.

Preparing to see and to be seen

If you cannot see through your windows, you should not drive. If your lights and signals are to protect you, they must be visible.

Before you drive, do the following:

  • Brush the snow off your car.

  • Scrape the windshield, rear and side windows.

  • Clear your heater air intake (this is usually in front of the windshield).

  • Clean your headlights, tail lights and signal lights.

  • Be sure to clear your tissue boxes, sunglasses, papers, etc., away from defroster outlets.

  • Drive with your headlights on at all times. Even on a clear day, swirling snow makes it difficult to see and to be seen.

Driving on slippery surfaces

Winter traction problems require a number of changes from summer driving techniques. The general rule for driving on slippery conditions is drive slowly.

You should not use cruise control on icy or slippery roads. This is even more important when the road may have black ice formed on it (a thin layer of transparent ice found on the road or other paved surfaces).

Traction varies tremendously with temperature changes. Icy roads will look just the same at -2 C or -22 C, but will be far more slippery at the warmer temperature. Winter driving calls for special driving skills. This means gentle acceleration, gentle braking and small, smooth steering movements.

Reduced traction means the grip between your tires and the slippery surface is fragile.

If you accelerate hard, you go beyond the amount of traction that is available and your wheels spin. If you brake too hard and your wheels lock, you break the traction, which means that when you turn the steering wheel, the vehicle will not turn - it will continue in the direction it was going when the wheels locked.

If this occurs on ice, your stopping distance changes. In most situations, locking four wheels by pushing hard on the brakes will give you the shortest stopping distance. But on ice, especially when it's near the freezing point or if you are driving fast, you are better off to threshold-brake by pushing on the brake up to the point just before it locks. (See Threshold braking.)

If the surface is slippery, flatten the corner or curve by positioning your vehicle in the left side of your lane prior to making your turn.

As you enter the curve, gradually steer across the lane so that as you near the mid-point of the curve the vehicle is near the right side of the lane with its wheels straight. As you exit the curve, gradually steer back across the lane towards the left side. For left curves, reverse the process. This will lessen the sideways force and reduce the chance that you will spin out. Slow entry into the curve is crucial or your vehicle may not make it around the curve.

Because there is reduced traction available for stopping and turning, reduce your speed when conditions are wet or slippery. As well, give yourself a following distance even longer than three seconds.

Never use cruise control when roads are wet or slippery.

Search for traction. Look for sand or grit. Choose snow rather than ice. A small movement to one side will often move you from a low traction icy patch onto snow or sand. This motion can usually be completed in your lane.

Allow extra space for other drivers to stop. They may not be as skilled as you, or their traction may be worse.

Temptations to resist

1.     Accelerating hard when you are passing.

2.     Using cruise control on wet or slippery roads.

3.     Forgetting that other drivers may not be making proper allowances for winter conditions.

4.     Letting your gas tank drop below half full.

The first snowfalls

During the first few snowfalls, drive very slowly and keep a five second following distance. It takes time to change from your summer driving patterns. Exaggerate your gentleness on your brake and accelerator pedals and you will stay out of the line-ups at the body shop.

 What to have in your vehicle - 

  • snow brush and scraper

  • gas line antifreeze

  • small snow shovel

  • set of traction mats

  • booster cables (know how to use them)

For out of town trips, add the following survival equipment:

  • extra warm clothes (include footwear, mitts and hats)

  • a supply of candles and matches

  • tow chain or rope

  • nourishing freezable food (raisins, nuts, candy)

  • sleeping bags

moose jaw