Friday Night Activity Club Offers Youth Indoor Activities
If you are 13 - 17 years old and looking for something to do on a Friday evening the City of Moose Jaw offers two programs to keep you active.
There is the the well known free Teen Swim offered at the Kinsmen SportsPlex (855 MacDonald Street) from 9:15 - 11 pm but there is also the not so well known Friday Night Activity Club at Prince Arthur School (640 Stadacona Street East) from 6 - 10:30 pm.
Running since January 2018 the Friday Night Activity Club offers youth the opportunity to come out and participate in activities in Prince Arthur School's gymnasium.
“We offer a variety of sports programs however basketball and volleyball are the two main activities. Activities are designed with the youth,” Craig Hemingway communications director said.
The present session for the Friday Night Activity Club runs Friday evenings from September 27 – December 6, 2019. The program will start up again in January – May 2020 after the holiday break.
Funded through the Saskatchewan Lotteries Community Grants Program (SLCGP) the free swim and activity club are both free to attend. The SLCGP is a partnership between Sask Sport Inc., SaskCulture Inc. and the Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association Inc. and assists in the development of sport, culture and recreation programs.
Basketball is one of the top activities at the Friday Night Activity Club
The City of Moose Jaw operates both programs and are part of a wellness goal for residents.
“Moose Jaw Parks and Recreation offer Summer Youth Activity Centres and this is an extension of that program. This program offers social opportunity, physical activity and is free of charge. This contributes to the City of Moose Jaw Community Wellness,”
Parents who might have concerns about either program are welcome to drop in to see what is happening at either of the City's two supervised Friday night youth activities.
“We have two supervisors on site to facilitate programs. Currently our supervisors worked the Summer Playground and Youth Centre Program. They have Standard First Aid and work with the youth to develop safe positive programs,” Hemingway said.
The emphasis is to get youth involved and in that in turn helps the community.
“The goal is to provide a safe physical active environment for teens to participate Friday night. This program compliments our free swimming and skating programs. This fall we have seen participants mainly from Prince Arthur School and notice that the kids walk to the Gym. It has that community centre positive vibe that we are hoping to see,” he said.
The program is partnered with the Moose Jaw Police Services and Prince Arthur School.
“Moose Jaw Police Services and Prince Arthur School are two key partners in the program. MJPS did an orientation for the supervisors in the summer and are available if needed and provide moral support.”
Although the majority of youth attending the activity club are from Prince Arthur School the program is open to all youth.
“We encourage all teens to participate and share their ideas. The program is designed around the participants and ideas. Everyone is welcome and remember its open late until 10:30pm,” Hemingway concluded.