Froese Joins Cultural Diversity Advisory Committee

It is a committee it seems no member of Council was willing to serve time on but now Councillor Crystal Froese has agreed to be Council’s representative on the Cultural Diversity Advisory Committee,

At their December 16th, 2019 meeting Council elected members to serve on citizen’s advisory committees and after all of the submissinons were in no Council member was willing to serve on the Cultural Diversity Advisory Committee.

On January 3rd, 2020 Councillor Froese sent an email stating “If no other Councillor is stepping forward for this committee I will put my name in for it so we can fill it at our next council meeting and have representation on it for their first meeting in the new year. Let me know if that is OK.”

At their meeting this past Monday evening Councllor Froese was appointed to the committee.

In its various forms over the years the committee has seen one regular councillor member who consistently sits on it (in its various incarnations) “because it is important to the community” - former Councillor Don Mitchell.

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