Significant Water Main Break Has Sewer And Water In Some Basements

Extreme cold temperatures along with the size of the break has made for some tough repair problems on what is described as a “significant” water main break near the corner of Caribou Street West and 9th Avemue NW adjacent to William Grayson School.

“We have had a significant break on Caribou by the school at Caribou and 9th (Avenue NW) we ask for everybody’s patience while we try to get control, City engineer Josh Mickelborough said. “It is one of the challenges of the infrastructure and of course challenges due to the weather respectfully.”

After a brief warming on Saturday the weather conditions have seen temperatures plummet to below -30 C at night with daytime highs near -25 C well below the normal temperatures of -20 C for a nighttime low and -9 C for a daytime high.

Mickelborough said the nature of the break has lead to water entering the sanitary sewer lines and then causing water and sewer to back up in some basements. The size of the break is significant enough to affect multiple properties on the 500-1000 blocks between Caribou Street West and Fairford Street West.

“In some cases with breaks it depends on the soil conditions and the break in the proximity of water and sewers lines and of course the frost conditions and when the water line breaks it can enter the sanitary sewer system and that obviously is the case with respect to this issue,” he said.

Mickelborough recommended people with water or sewage in their basements to “get everything dried out as soon as possible” and to work with their insurer on the issue.

The number of homes which had sewage or water in their basements because of the break is unknown but Councillor Brian Swanson said he had received calls from residents about the issue. Several photos of water and sewage backups tied to the water main break have been posed on social media.

No estimated time frame was given as to when the repairs are expected to be completed.

The City of Moose Jaw is presently in a 20 year plan to replace the now often past their lifespan cast iron water mains, it is unknown of the break was that type of pipe at this time.

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