Huskies Winning Streak Continues

Precision passing and a strong defensive game led to the Palliser Heights Huskies defeating the visiting Westmount Jets 77 - 23 on Tuesday afternoon.

The game saw the Huskies improve their so far undefeated season to three straight wins.

Top Scorers for the Huskies:

Roque Murray - 21 points

Caleb Artaveria - 12 points

Sam Gaucher - 11 points

Top Scorers for the Jets:

Carson - 7 points

The Huskies Roque Murray (left) looks to pass the ball to a teammate while being watched by the Jets Abuws

The Huskies Brylee Artavia (left) tries to break around the Jets Fred

The Huskies Bentley Messner (left) breaks for the basket against the jests Abuws

The jets Ryker (left) tries to score while guarded closely by the Huskies Sam Gaucher

The huskies Will Funston (left) defends against the jets Ryker

The Huskies Emin Huseini (left) tries to stop the jets Carson from shooting at the basket

Huskies Will Funston (left) passes to a teammate over top of the jets Bently

The jets Fred dribbles upcourt

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