Central’s Aggressive Play Leads To Another Win

The league leading Central Cyclones junior girls team used aggression and the press on Thursday evening for a relatively easy 66 - 16 victory over top of the Peacock Toilers.

It was the second game in as many days for both teams with the Cyclones using the same game plan/strategy they had used successfully against the Vanier Vikings just one night prior.

A game where the Cyclones aggressively pushed a defence where time and again they would rob the Toilers any breathing room by immediately pouncing in close quarters for the ball.

The First Quarter score was Central 21 and Peacock 3.

The score at Half Time was Central 37 and Peacock 8.

The Third Quarter score was Central 56 and Peacock 12.

The Final Score was Central 66 and Peacock 16.

It was a tough night for the largely Grade Nine Toilers - seven of the team’s 11 player roster are grade nines - who faced a tough Cyclones squad.

Coach Joy-Lyn Natarajah said the outcome wasn’t surprising but the Toilers nevertheless did their best.

“Just based on stats we knew it was going to be a tough game and it’s never fun to lose by a lot but we are a young team. We are a little bit inexperienced so we are just focusing in on the basics,” she said.

About the aggressive play by the Cyclones she said it was expected “but it definitely threw our girls a little bit. Right from the beginning it kind of set us of course a little bit.”

Natarajah said the Toilers need to become more aggressive on the court.

“We need to work on our aggressiveness frankly. Central is an aggressive so that definitely caught us for sure,” she said.

Asked about the seemingly reversed roles when it comes to basketball - Central boys programs are known for speed and finesse whereas the Central junior girls play a tough street or playground style - she wondered if the pandemic didn’t have an effect.

“In general…I think COVID has effected the girls experience in basketball. So we are seeing some of those foundational things )missing.”

During the COVID pandemic close contact sports like basketball were curtailed as part of the precautionary measures.

Others have said it has led to the rise of other not so contact sports - volleyball - and a major blow to basketball.

Asked if she thought the Toilers were to timid in their play she said “I would say so.”

“It’s hard to teach aggression. It’s not something you can really teach. It has to come from the heart.”

She said the youth of the team does have an impact on the game and final scores.

“It (our age and experience) effects us a little bit. Especially when you are going up against those JV (Junior Varsity) teams that have grade elevens and twelves. It’s a little bit tough for sure,” she said.

The team is planning to continue on the basics and further improve as the season progresses.

With the win the Cyclones move to a 6 - 1 record.

The Toilers move to an 0 - 6 season record.

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