Hunter/Jumper Series Clears 2023 Hurdles

By Robert Thomas

Another year is in the books for the Moose Jaw Exhibition Association’s Hunter/Jumper Equestrian Series.

In its second year the series - expanded from three to four shows after its inaugural year - had its up and downs as it it is going through growing pains in finding its place in the show circuit.

The move to a four event series wasn’t as successful as it was hoped to be, show secretary Marci Perrin said.

“We actually didn’t have a lot of cross over this year we had 12 to maybe 18 riders that made it to more than two shows this year,” Perrin said.

In order to qualify for the championships riders and horses had to appear at two different shows.

The move next year may be one headed to consolidating the number of shows to allow the individual shows to be bigger and better.

It’s a more bang for your buck approach in a highly competitive equine circuit where you try to find the Goldilocks “just right” date to hold shows that compliment and not compete with other events.

“We don’t have dates quite set in mind yet. The October date is likely to stay the same with the potential of maybe bumping it ahead by a weekend,” she said.

Up and Over from last weekend’s fonal show of the 2023 season - mj independent photo

The reason for the potential one weekend change in the October show is a large Hunter/Jumper show in Alberta.

“This way they can come to our show and then off to Alberta the next weekend if they choose to.”

The June show, held in combination with the Moose Jaw Hometown Fair, is likely not be held next year.

It’s not the quality of the show but rather one with timing.

Perrin said a likely reason for the lower than expected competitor turnout in June was the date conflicted with many riders high school final exams.

“We were a little nervous with the June show. We didn’t get the turnout we were hoping for. But the October show ended up being way better than we were anticipating so we were very pleased with it.”

The October show boasted seven horses from Manitoba and one from Alberta which Perrin said the out of province riders described as “fantastic.”

The October show boasted seven horses from Manitoba and one from Alberta which Perrin described as “fantastic.”

“We had great reviews from all of them and so where hoping when the word gets out when they get back home they can encourage more people to come for next year.”

The quality of the facilities and the show is starting to be spread by competitors and driving interest.

The Weekend

“We ended up with a pretty good turnout. We had 46 horses and 39 riders over the course of the weekend,” Perrin said.

The schooling round was held on Thursday October 19 and the show took place Friday, Saturday and Sunday October 20th to the 22nd.

A main obstacle is successfully jumped - mj inde Photo

Series Winners were:

Junior Hunter Champion:  Carter Heimbecker & Lisa

Junior Hunter Reserve:  Dax Eddy & Diva

Senior Hunter Champion:  Sam Harland & Taco

Senior Hunter Reserve:  Brenda Clemens & Party’s Not Over

Junior Jumper Champion:  Skye Mushens & Thunder

Junior Jumper Reserve:  Lisa Potgeiter & Three Cups Cowboy Up

Senior Jumper Champion:  Jolee Akins & Albia Vision

Senior Jumper Reserve:  Sam Harland & Cincinnati

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