Letter To The Editor - Alternatives To RoundUp For Gardeners

Hello MJ Independent team, hope you all are doing well!

I was looking for some information on sustainable gardening and pollinator pathways today, when I came across your excellent page https://www.mjindependent.com/lifestyles/2019/6/2/4n0m50612mgmevp8ftxmvehqgeshls.
It was super helpful! Thank you!

We actually published a page about RoundUp Alternatives that I think would be very helpful to your community of gardeners in keeping our pollinators safe.

Please check it out here: https://www.consumernotice.org/environmental/pesticides/roundup/alternatives/

I think it could be a great addition to your page since it not only includes how RoundUp can pose a risk to humans and animals, but also what organic alternatives are available on the market today and home recipes that readers can try.

Would you consider adding this link to your website to help us spread awareness?

Hope to hear from you soon,
Arianna Delarosa


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