City Demands Correction - MJ Independent Obliges

By Robert Thomas

In our recent story City Quietly Turns Down A $50 Million Housing Development we inadvertently left out one sentence due to the heat.

And because of that the City has asked MJ Independent to make a correction to our editor’s note.

Something we are more than willing to do.

See the screenshot below.

Screenshot from correction request from the City

And the response we gave was we omitted the one line - forgot it due to the heat.

And the correction screenshot

Coincidentally if you do look at the City’s response for not wanting to comment they inadvertently confirmed that someone - not the developer - presented a $50 million project proposal to Executive Committee.

“This is statement is inaccurate as there were only two guests that evening who presented a report during the in-camera executive committee meeting and they are unrelated to this story as they presented to administration and city council on a separate manner,” the City wrote.

Executive Committee did not hear directly from the developer.

From going from declining comment the City may have inadvertently confirmed a major part of the original story and released at least some additional details I was unaware of about an in-camera meeting.

Something they voted to protect under Saskatchewan Privacy legislation.

I went on to fully explain my error with the following response.

Screenshot of my response

It needs to be noted the City of Moose Jaw previously asked who are source was in this story. They continue to seek what MJ Independent knows about this issue.

Robert Thomas is Acting Editor of the MJ Independent.

He is a proponent of the Columbo style of journalism and has received two awards because of it

moose jaw