Remuneration Paid To Moose Jaw Fire Department In 2022 Released

By Robert Thomas

On Monday the 2022 Municipal Public Accounts will be presented to Council.

As part of the Public Accounts employee wages for both the City of Moose Jaw and the Moose Jaw Police Service are presented.

Below is the list of the top 12 remunerated employees at the Moose Jaw Fire Department

  • Rod Montgomery Fire Chief $194,040

  • Michael Russell Deputy Fire Chief $178,934

  • William Howes Senior Captain $168,541

  • Curtis Beler Senior Captain $168,184

  • Robert Halsall Senior Captain $166,457

  • Christopher Luiten Senior Captain $164,534

  • Ian Clark Shift Captain $157,291

  • Richelle Grocott Shift Captain $155,693

  • Ryan Hopkinson Shift Captain $155,331

  • Jae Unser Shift Captain $152,234

  • Rodney Ansell Firefighter 16th year $145,212

  • Matthew Crocker Firefighter 16th year $141,949

For a full list of remuneration paid to employees with the Moose Jaw Fire Department please refer to the 2022 Public Accounts.

moose jaw