Newspaper Stocking Fund Exceeds Expectations

By Robert Thomas

It may have been a tough year for many but an annual fundraiser for the Moose Jaw Salvation Army by the Moose Jaw Express/Moose Jaw Today has exceeded its goal by almost 50 percent.

Each year the newspaper runs its annual Christmas Stocking Fund with proceeds to the local Salvation Army. The fundraiser started decades ago in the now defunct Moose Jaw Times-Herald and was continued by the Moose Jaw Express.

The newspaper donates free space on its front page with a stocking that fills up as money is collected towards a goal.

“OK drum roll…we set a $5,000 goal for the stocking fund and this year we raised $7,761.10,” Gladys Baigent-Therens from the Moose Jaw Express sales department told MJ Independent.

Asked about how it felt to exceed the goal by just over 50 percent Baigent-Therens was elated.

“Oh my God it feels wonderful. It actually made me very excited and the Salvation Army was very happy about it,” she said, adding “it actually warms my heart that that many people came through for us.”

Rising inflation - especially for food - has many people struggling to put food on the table. It has impacted not only those in need but also those who also donate to help the needy so it was an unknown how the Sticking Fund would be affected.

“It was awesome there was a couple of last minute donations that really put that over the top. Just before Christmas we were a little bit below the $5,000 and the week between Christmas and New Year's turned us up to the $7,761.”

Baigent-Therens said running the fund from Christmas to just past New Year's helps a lot.

“What I think in the community because the same thing happened last year, we had a lady come in after Christmas to find out where we were at. She not only got us to the $5,000 (goal) but put us over by about $300.”

The Salvation Army's Christmas Kettle Campaign runs from late November until Christmas Eve leaving the Moose Jaw Express fund the lone high profile fundraiser running for 10 more days.

“It is always good we run another week like that I think,” she said.

“Kudos to Moose Jaw and surrounding area.”

Asked if that people wait until after Christmas to see where their finances were at before donating she said that may be part of the equation.

“They have got their families and their commitments and whatever maybe once they have settled that after Christmas they know what they can actually do. What they can give or whatever. I honestly believe sometimes the odd person waits to see where it's at and then gives us that surprise.But this year it was huge.”

Plans call for the Stocking Fund to return in 2023.

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