Tactical Team Arrest Suspect After Stand-Off Photo Story
Photos and Story by Robert Thomas
“They won’t tell us anything about what is going on,” John Klein was telling a group of friends as they enjoyed a couple of beverages just outside of their Caribou Street facing garage on Friday evening.
Klein had been outside in his backyard when all of a sudden he was tackled from behind and handcuffed by someone he initially had no idea who it was.
It was not until after he had been released he found out it was a member of the Moose Jaw Police Service (MJPS) but he was given no explanation as to the reason about what it was all about.
Caribou Street West blocked by the Moose Jaw Police Service on Friday evening - MJ Independent photo
“They tackled and handcuffed me I don’t know what else to say. They didn’t say they were cops or who they were looking for. They just said hold yourself down. I didn’t know who they were,” Klein told MJ Independent.
The incident was witnessed by his son Adam Klein who was inside his house and witnessed the incident through the bathroom window. I witnessed it because my son was knocking on the bathroom door he had heard a commotion.
“So I told him (Adam’s son) to step back I will go look. And I stepped outside and that’s when I saw (explicative removed) police with their (explicative) guns out. Dad (John Klein) was tackled, Jack, my brother, told me to sit down in the porch and not move. So I just told my kid to stay inside because I don’t know what are they going to do tackle my six year old?,” Adam said.
The MJPS had yet to issue an Emergency Alert to warn area residents about the highly dangerous situation happening in the neighbourhood.
The bewilderment of what was actually going on was common in the neighbourhood as residents asked MJ Independent exactly what was going on.
The bewilderment was also felt at Central Collegiate where participants and spectators of a volleyball tournament - including members of the school’s football team - were moved to the third floor as the MJPS had requested a lockdown of the facility.
A view from the police barricade at the intersection of Ross Street West and 4th Avenue NW - MJ Independent photo
After taking a few photos I moved to see if there was a better view up what was the center of activity at the time 4th Avenue NW.
At the intersection a timely stop and then taking pictures from a safe distance the officer told me to get back which I did.
Then suddenly “bang, bang” there were two shots quickly fired.
The officer at the barricade got on his radio and said “shot fired” at which point I start to walk down the block to where the shooting had occurred.
As I walked down the block a man said to me “Are you a reporter?”
To which I replied yes and he said I needed to come into his house if I wanted because of the danger.
So I ended up in his porch.
I wanted to see if I could get a better picture at which time two members of a tactical unit - who were on the opposite side of the street - shone their lights attached to their weapons on me and asked me to keep my hands up and identify myself. Which I did.
They then asked what address I was at and where the shooter was - I told them next door - then they asked what address I was at - I obliged - as they came across the street they told me to get back inside.
Three tactical team members walk down Ross Street West one points their rifle and its light at the photographer - MJ Independent photo
So I sat in the porch and shot numerous videos of what was happening right beside me just outside the porch I was now trapped in.
In the video below the police are shouting to the suspect who is in the backyard of 300 Block Ross Street West address.
Near the start of a video I was filming the tactical and canine team standing on the street who were unaware I was there. Then I was told to get back into “your house”. As the officer took up a position about two and a half feet away from me on the other side of a 2 x 4 wall.
As I stood by the open porch window and partially opened front door the suspect told the police he did not want to be shot. And if he came out he would likely be shot.
The police officer responded he did not want to be shot either.
“You don’t want to get shot that makes sense. I don’t want to get shot either,” an unidentified police office says at the 1:15 mark of the video.
While in the porch videoing what was going on the Amber Alert went off.
After well over 15 minutes - during which time I continued to video - an officer said they needed to evacuate the residents next door.
I knocked on the door and told them the police said they had to evacuate. An officer came in and said that included me as well after I told him I was the Press.
So I walked backwards and continued to film and take pictures.
I managed to take the photo below of the family who had took me in as a reporter as a gesture to make sure I was not hurt heading up the street.
Residents flee their homes after being ordered out by the MJPS - MJ Independent photo
When the evacuated residents got up the street the MJPS officers there asked if they were OK and if they had a place to go until it was safe to go back to their home.
They spoke to the officers and I shouted across to thank them for taking me into their home at a very dangerous time.
I never did get their names.
Evacuated residents speak to two uniformed Moose Jaw Police Service officers who wanted to know if they were OK and had a place to go - MJ Independent photo
After the people left one of the officers went and took cover behind a power pole.
I stayed standing in the center of the street continuing to shoot video of the final arrest.
Following the arrest and the roadblocks removed I approached Tactical Team wrapping things up an took this last photo.
Tactical unit wrapping up the scene after the arrest was made - MJ Independent photo
ADDED NOTE: As an added note MJ Independent has never sought accreditation with the Moose Jaw Police Service (MJPS) - something we are not interested in - and as such we never received any press release or warning about this incident. All we knew is there was a lockdown at Central Collegiate when we went out to work.
The MJPS is suppose to issue a news release, as soon as they are able to, in order to explain what happened. We will try to keep you posted.