Reader's Question - About SGI Helping Out

From time to time we do our best to get the answer to our reader's question and this time we ask SGI the question.

A reader asked if SGI pays for such things as equipment to catch uninsured drivers as well as extra targeted police enforcement to reduce accidents why not also help pay for extra sand to help reduce intersection accidents?

And could they not use the photo radar fines to pay for this?

The following is SGI's response verbatim:

As for your inquiry about sanding roads, here is some information.

SGI prioritizes road safety, and there is no shortage of initiatives worthy of funding to help make Saskatchewan's roads the safest in Canada.

SGI does not pay for regular road maintenance, such as road sanding. But on a case-by-case basis, SGI pays for infrastructure improvements and equipment, as long as they are a part of an approved traffic safety initiative.


As for funding from photo radar revenue, SGI is on the Photo Speed Enforcement committee that awards grants from the Provincial Traffic Safety Fund. The funding goes towards projects intended to reduce traffic collisions, injuries and fatalities. Applications must include a well-defined action plan as well as specific, measurable traffic safety objectives.

Editor's Note - Do have a question drop us a line at

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