Flashlight Thief Sees The Light

It was a humbled, embarrassed and apologetic moment for a man who shoplifted two flashlights from the Davidson Esso this past October.

Appearing by telephone Wednesday morning Saskatoon resident Daniel Greyeyes plead guilty to the theft turning down the opportunity of Alternative Measures through the John Howard Society.

Provincial Court Judge Daryl Rayner explained to Greyeyes that successfully completing Alternative Measures meant he would not get a criminal record for the incident.

It was something the accused did not wish to be part of but rather wanting to plead guilty, pay a fine and face the music.

“This is simply a shoplifting matter,” Crown Prosecutor Rob Parker said adding Greyeyes had purchased a knife but had been observed by a security camera stealing two flashlights worth $40.

“I was under the influence of drugs at the time and have been sober for two months,” the apologetic defendent said adding he now had gainful employment.

Judge Rayner then imposed a $200 fine plus a $60 Victim’s Surcharge with Greyeyes given until February 4th to pay the fine.

Greyeyes thanked the Court and then apologized by saying “sorry for wasting your guy's time.”