Moose Jaw Exhibition Briefs - June 15, 2021

Executive for 2021 - 2022

The Moose Jaw Exhibition Company held elections for president, vice-president and three directors at their monthly meeting on Tuesday evening.

Judy Wilson is returning as president. Glenn Tomyn was elected to serve as vice-president. Three directors were additionally elected - Joyce Walter, Terry Hetke and Brian Swanson.

Superstore Negotiations

The board were briefed about the paved entrance from the north and plans to hopefully share costs of the access re-paving with Superstore.

Asphalt and Grounds Upgrades

The board heard an update from Terry Witke about the repairs made to the parking lot just south of the Golden Nugget (Casino) Building.

“It’s going rather smooth now, we have had some hiccups on the way with rains but right now it is progressing well,” Witke said.

He told the board that there was a lot of digging to get out the soft clay to make a better base for the new asphalt repair.

“I have no idea what was in there but it was soft and mucky s they dug it out.”

Another feature being worked on is building up and leveling the area where manure was once piled to turn it into an area of proper drainage and conditioned to be used as part of upcoming horse shows.

Youth Rodeo School

The Youth Rodeo School is scheduled for June 25 - 27.

The Board was told this is the event people should come out for a look for two reasons.

First the oldest participant is just 19 years old and the pickup men will be outstanding as they will be from the Calgary Stampede due to the scheduling and COVID.

Well known local rodeo participant and supporter Lee Bellows had nothing but praise and anticipation of finally being able to hold an event after nearly two years due to the COVID - 19 pandemic.

“We are looking forward to it. We have been held up on it for a long time,” Bellows said.

“We are happier than h### about it,” the rodeo clown turned cowboy poet said likely summing up the entire region’s feelings about the coming end of the pandemic.

He went on to praise the work which had been done to improve the grounds where horse and rodeo events will be held during the pandemic.

“I was impressed with the paint job and things are looking pretty good,” he said.

Canadian Tire

The board briefly heard a report about what has been transpiring at the Canadian Tire site. With general manager George Fowler once again lamenting the loss of the trees which were over 30 years old.

There was the hope expressed that the Exhibition was looking forward to a good working relationship with the Canadian retail giant.

Recent Rains

The Board heard about the recent heavier rains and how they affected the buildings and drainage of the grounds.

The discussion focused upon repairs that are about to occur to eavestroughs and what is needed to help the ditch area south of the Exhibition Grounds so that the water might drain more efficiently.

There was talk about the lagoon filling up and perhaps the City tying it into the existing storm sewer at a future time.

Given the amount of roof space as well as asphalt pavement there was discussion about the water, how it drains and potential problems.

Water Bill

George Fowler gave a brief report updating the board on meeting with City Hall to rectify a problem with the Exhibition’s water bill.

The next meeting is July 20th at 7 pm at the Exhibition Grounds.

moose jaw