Excessive Speeding To Be Focused On In April
With the weather being nice out and people out cruising around SGI would like to remind motorists to let up on the throttle not just for safety but to save your wallet some much needed currency.
SGI has announced its monthly Traffic Safety Spotlight for April is speeding.
Speeding can cost you a few bucks and in April police throughout the province are cracking down on it - photo credit Facebook
According to statistics excessive speeding was a factor in nine deaths and 454 injuries in 2019.
Excessive speed is one the leading factors in traffic-related deaths and injuries on Saskatchewan’s roads.
“Posted speed limits are not suggestions, and driving is not about who gets there first – it’s about making sure everyone gets there, and gets there safely,” Penny McCune, COO of the Auto Fund said in a statement.
The reason excessive speeding plays a major role in accidents as it reduces your reaction times as well as increases your stopping distances. Excessive speeds may not be double what the posted limit is but it can lead to major increases in stopping distances especially on not ideal road conditions.
As part of April’s speeding awareness campaign SGI has initiated a campaign “If You Ain’t First You’re Fine Actually.”
The campaign emphasizes a person does not need to rush and break speeding laws just to be the person in the lead on roadways and by driving not so aggressively you might just save your own life or the lives of others from doing so.
Meme released by SGI - source SGI