City Manager Speaks About COVID - 19 Encourages Residents To Get Vaccinated

If there is one title the City of Moose Jaw would like to win when it comes to the COVID - 19 pandemic would be that the city is number one when it came to being the vaccination capital of the province.

“It is a great goal for our city to get out and get.”

That is the viewpoint of city manager Jim Puffalt.

“From the City’s point of view we are glad residents have had the opportunity to go and be vaccinated,” Puffalt said.

“If there is an opportunity to go (and be vaccinated) then go…it is a great time you are in and out (quickly)…wait times are usually 30 minutes or less,” he said.

The city manager spoke about the announcement that some pharmacies will soon be able to offer COVID - 19 vaccinations as “more chances to get our people vaccinated the better.”

During Tuesday morning’s post Council press conference MJ Independent asked questions for an update as to what the City of Moose Jaw knows about the COVID - 19 pandemic in the city. MJ Independent was the only news source to ask about COVID - 19 and the City’s response at the news conference.

“(We have heard) not a whole lot (but we are aware) this week vaccine supplied is not enough around and vaccinations are not occurring to quickly,” Puffalt said. He added that the information about the actual case numbers has dropped along with the actual case numbers being reported as it is “less of an issue as it was a few weeks ago.”

The City and the province’s chief medical officer Dr Saqib Shahab have stated previously that both parties have good communication between them on the COVID - 19 issue.

Puffalt went on to state that bringing the case numbers lower is to “follow the rules” as set by the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA).

Asked about if statistically there had to be more cases than the one previously reported case of COVID - 19 involving City employees Puffalt replied “I think we have three or four (employees contracting COVID - 19) over the months (of the pandemic).”

Asked a further question if the cases amongst City workers did not spike as a result of the rising numbers of Variants Of Concern (VOC) he responded that the numbers of cases involving City workers increased “over the last month or so, there was a couple at the beginning of April.”

Puffalt lauded the efforts taken by the City to keep their employees safe by taking a more pro-active response to the pandemic.

“I think our staff have done a tremendous job and keeping us safe,” he said, adding “we were very fast and quick to enact regulations over a year ago (ahead of others)…it is so important we look after and keep each other safe.”


Asked by MJ Independent if he felt it was safe to go outdoors and enjoy the nice Spring weather Puffalt said he personally felt it was safe to do so but to follow the SHA rules when out and about.

Wear masks in close quarters, space yourself out, smaller groups, keep your hands away from your mouth and face unless they are washed and proper handwashing are part of the SHA rules or recommendations.

“Certainly with the great outdoors using our walking paths is a great opportunity.”

Regarding whether using City-owned playground equipment was safe given how last year the SHA had said not to do so Puffalt said the City had yet to receive any type of indication from the SHA on the matter.

“I suspect there is something coming from the Province,” he said.

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