April 20th Exhibition Board Meeting Shorts


A youth rodeo school scheduled for April 30 - May 2, which would have seen about 30 - 35 people attend, has decided to cancel the event as a safety precaution due to the COVID - 19 pandemic.

“The group took it upon themselves to do the responsible thing given the state of the pandemic to cancel the event and re-schedule it at another time when the conditions are safe,” George Fowler, general manager of the Moose Jaw Exhibition Company (MJEC) said.


A change that would have seen the Moose Jaw Exhibition Company needing to buy dozens of memberships - for all members - in order to participate as a member in the Saskatchewan Horse Association (SHA) seems to be headed towards a speedy and amicable solution.

“We are working in a cooperative way to be a member of Sask Horse,” Fowler said.

The change came about this year to memberships in 2021 requiring the Exhibition Company’s members to all have a membership. The SHA is working on a special membership class to allow the Exhibition Company to have a membership in a less costly manner.


They have literally been cooped up for months inside their warm and cozy indoor winter home but the cricket eating burrowing owls will soon be enjoying the great outdoors.

Preparations are underway to move the owls to the great outdoors over the next few weeks.

Additionally an advertisement has been taken out to hire a part-time summer student assistant to look after the owls.


A short report was given about the progress the City is making on the infrastructure work for the new Canadian Tire retail development.

The report describes HCL Construction as doing good work.

“This has been good as Robbie Lewis respects what we are doing and has been careful not to cause any problems,” the report stated.

“It is strange though to look around and see no trees,” Fowler said about trees the large poplar trees that had to be removed as part of the work by the City to make the site shovel ready for the developer.

About the City and the once existent problems with communication Fowler reported “we have had very good communication with the City.”

“They (the City of Moose Jaw) have kept us up to date with any information that we needed. The communication has been excellent,” Fowler told MJ Independent.


Interaction with public health (Saskatchewan Health Authority) staff and the rental of the Convention Centre as a walk-in vaccination clinic for COVID - 19 and the Golden Mile Building for COVID - 19 testing was described as excellent and no complications.

“Moose Jaw Public Health has been excellent to work with and they have been excellent tenants on the Exhibition Grounds.

Editor’s Note - MJ Independent did not attend the MJEC board meeting as it went virtual to a phone in format that does not work with our phone. They graciously agreed to comment on the agenda later.

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