Ten Questions With Brett McAuley

To help people decipher the Mayor’s race MJ Independent has plans to feature any of the nine candidates at least once in our publication.

Today we feature Brett McAuley.

  1. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself personally? 
    I grew up on a farm in McAuley, Manitoba, a town about 20 min east of Moosomin, so I learned all the same country values that I see here in people around Moose Jaw. 

    Sports and community are a huge part of my life.  That’s the main reason I like to involve myself in coaching.   I get to meet the kids and future of Moose Jaw and help shape the type of people they become.

  2. Was there one event or series of events which made you decide to run for Mayor? Can you describe them?
    I believe real change happens at the local level. 

    My belief is, if you’re not willing to doing something about it, you have no right to complain. 

    Deciding to run was based on my belief that our community needs strong leadership that is willing to think outside the box and take a different approach to resolving issues. 

    We’ve been letting fear guide us for too long and it’s creating a divided community.  It’s time to start being part of a united solution.  It’s time we decide for ourselves what is best for our community. 

  3. What do you see as the main issues facing Moose Jaw and how would you fix them?
    Regaining the trust and confidence of the people. 

    What kind of statement are they making when only 20% of them come out and vote for mayor?  We need to show them we’re on their side. 

    We can do this by making decisions that make sense, that we’re open to listening to their concerns and willing to act in their best interest.  We do this by investigating current spending and finding inefficiencies to save money.  We do this by improving interdepartmental communication so we’re not duplicating work.  And we do this by making ourselves as council available to the people, so they feel valued and heard. 

  4. A major issue for your campaign is taxation or rather the rising taxation and the need for the better use of tax dollars. Can you tell us how you would better spend tax dollars to stretch them further or make them more efficient?
    Decreasing wasteful spending is a big one. 

    It was touched on several times in the mayoral forum. 

    We build roads only to tear them up a short time later to work under them, then repair them poorly so they need to be rebuilt again on an abbreviated timeframe. 

    Or having council take too long to make a decision to go ahead with the construction of the Mosaic Place.  This one decision to wait cost every taxpayer in Moose Jaw an average of nearly $500.  This can be fixed with a sense of urgency when it comes to decision making and having better interdepartmental communication.  This is the lack of accountability that I’m talking about.  We can and will do better.

  5. When was the last time you attended a City Council meeting?
    I am ashamed to say I have never attended a city council meeting.

  6. What is your strong point?
    My ability to use common sense and work though issues logically.  I feel that I have my finger on the pulse of the community.  I understand very well the issues facing our taxpayer because I am one.  

  7. Conversely what is your weak point?
    I sometimes find it difficult to offer answers to questions without taking some time to think through the answers.  This sometimes can appear that I’m indecisive but that couldn’t be further from the truth.  I have strong opinions and would rather take a few minutes to answer a question properly than answer hastily and say something I don’t really mean.

  8. A main issue which Council has to deal with is a sense the City is conducting too much business in-camera or in secret. Some things such as legal, land and personnel must be conducted in private while other matters could be discussed in public.  Do you agree? If so how would you help to increase transparency - where permitted - at Council and Executive Committee meetings? 
    I absolutely agree. 

    The easiest way to increase transparency is to make yourself accessible to the public. 

    I plan to hold regular events or functions with the public, so they are able to meet with myself and council to voice concerns.  I want the residents of Moose Jaw to feel like they’re valued and important, not like we’re hiding things from them.

  9. Do you have any concerns about the hours or sacrifice necessary to be Mayor? Is the remuneration too little, just right or too much in your opinion?
    Anyone willing to be mayor shouldn’t have any concerns about the hours, I know I certainly don’t.  It’d be an honor to represent the city. 

    As far as pay I can say this.  It’s hard to justify a 35% hike in mayor’s salary when the fire department’s budget last year was cut by nearly 4%.  Ultimately, who is more important to the city between those two?  I know fire has my vote.

  10. Do you have anything else to add?
    Just one more thing.  Please go out and vote. 

    Tell your friends, your neighbors, coworkers, family and everyone you see to go out and vote.  We need an engaged community to make Moose Jaw the place we are know it can be. 

    If you haven’t had a chance to learn about the candidates take some time. 

    Go to linktr.ee/brettmcauley.  You’ll find info on all the candidates, where to go to vote and a lot of other good information. 

    Remember on November 3, vote Brett McAuley for mayor of Moose Jaw.  

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